organic wines DO Penedès
100% organic viticulture.
The organic culture is a meeting with nature and our wine heritage: the climate and the soil.
We indulge the environment, the autochthonous flora, the vineyard landscape, and use non-aggressive natural products, looking for the ecosystem self-sufficiency by closing life cycles, composting organic matter, using green manure and plant cover trying to achieve the plant-environment balance.
Nature, very wise, keeps transforming the vineyards, giving them unique characteristics year after year, and letting our hands bring them to the path of fullness.

When the cold weather comes, the last leaves fall leaving the vine-stocks naked, beginning their deserved rest.
We plow to aerate the soil and kill the weeds so that the rain can penetrate the soil, providing it with water reserves.
We fertilize the soil using organic manure from the sheep that graze in our vineyards, in order to restore the nutrients absorbed by the fruits of the last vintage.

Silence accompanies the vine-stocks, that rest peacefully, and only get perturbed when our hands prune their vine shoots.

The first heats make the vine-stocks wake up and cry, leaving behind the winter sleep.
The buds swell and burst letting grow the first leaves, that will increasingly stain the vineyards with green.
The vine-stocks flourish advertising the birth of the small grapes, the future golden fruit.
The vineyards grow strongly and we take out the excess of branches and leaves to aerate the grapes, obtaining a natural health, as in the organic farming we don’t use synthetic chemical products.

The sun makes the grapes grow, maturate and become from green to golden, or from green to black depending on the variety. The jubilant grapes accentuate their sweetness and character.
In late July, we harvest in green so as to have less grapes in the vine-stocks, that will accumulate more reserve substances that will enhance all their qualities.
Finally, in September we harvest this precious fruit and prepare it to the magical transformation that we invite you to explore, so that you can enjoy its colors, flavors and aromas.